Cleveland Ohio's
Elite Entrepreneurs Elevation Expo


Business Automation  Questions AND your Questions & concerns pertaining to our “BO$$ UP BO$$E$” Entrepreneurial Elevation LIVE Event (that will be streamed across social media for MA$$IVE Exposure!!)

We ALL will be sharing our expectations, excitements, our testimonials and even more important THE TRUTH about our non-hater elevation event for ALL business owners ALL industries will be told No holds barred!! Hey everyone in today’s skeptic scam riddled society proof and value is all people want yes or yes?… So don’t sit back come out see for yourself! Get your blessings and share your testimonies ok!!

Now… Everybody Elder Michael Kelly aka ” Money Mike” and Chante’ ” Boss It Up” Kelly want to take you to the top and Beyond!!

We are not JUST going to the top but over the top and we’re going to take a lot of entrepreneurs with us and remove A CHUNK of this Dang dark cloud off of Cleveland and bring back the sunshine! Yessss!!

SHOWCASING - Local, National & International Business Owners, Vendors, Comedians, Fashion Designers, Motivational Speakers, Local Restaurants Etc.

– We’ll also be having –
Chain-breaking Cerebral Social Attraction Marketing Seminars!
Forensic Branding and Forensic automation FREE seminars.

It’s a High Executive event for Entrepreneurs and Business owners and also for those who are striving to be entrepreneurs and business owners.
So bring your Business card, flyers, etc.

Key Benefits to you:

  • Elevated in your minds.
  • Elevated in your Branding skills.
  • Educated on top automation so you wake up to appointments on your calendar daily and make money while you sleep!
  • Building your network with like-minded people.
  • Knowing exactly How to become a Multi-Millionaire in your niche!


It gives you a platform to market what you have, not just watch it up.
-First movers advantage-
Because nobody has what Boss-it-up has & Guaranteed success for those who follow it.

Monthly shared overall revenue from every satellite event!
Generational wealth due to future franchise opportunities.

Vending opportunity in $100 only!
The event is gonna be Live, streaming across social media!


    For More Info get in touch with on our FACEBOOK GROUP